CoD2? Isn't that like 1000 years old?
Age 31, Male
Croatia/Herzegovi na SB
Joined on 3/1/08
CoD2? Isn't that like 1000 years old?
no it is 999 years old but it is still the best CoD game
kind of a stupid question but where is croatia?
it is the east of Italy(accros the adriatic sea) Nikola Tesla comes from there also Ties(Croatia's name means Kravata what is the Croatian word for Tie) and also Pens come from Croatia(Slavoljub Penkala)
You haven't seen the last of me!!
i have defeated you Villain
"This is an insult to all ninjas"
Hahahaha. That was retarded.
everyone is a retard these days
WUT here i said it
Nice castle crasherz pic.....!!
spank you very much ma'am
Lol, I don't draw nice. I just edit pics drawn by other people.
oh..... well if u don't want to be in at least u can give scores to drawings
can i be on ur friend list too? :)
p.s. that's a nice drawing of a robot
dood that is a stupid question... but i can't describe the person that i once seen..... thank you for the compliment xD
LOL, I suck at graffiti, plus I couldn't scan anything in cause my USB port is totally busted. If I had my wacom I could draw something in Flash for you though. :P
no problem if u suck.... i sucked once....MindChamber sucked once..... i mean this is not really a some pro contest.... also i am looking forward to that flash xD
I rox. Sweetness, also i would participate in this contest but... I have no time. Maybe over the weekend I'll figure something out.
sure oh sure
thought it was a comment comp
do you want to be part of contest???
Oh man im so in this contest :P.......i aint got school this week (im sick) so il be drawing like crazy!!
yaay..... spread the world about contest
kuttie is not the cutest
dools and jimmy saint are the only cool people on that list
your list sucks because the name ngfan14 isn't up there =P
kuttie isn't the cutest but she is cute...... and what about andrea,peglay,nikenick,marriane13 ,skarl3tte,luka,john-the-biter and midian?????
and btw this is the list of ma best friends and u r not even on my list..... if we talk that maybe....
yes i know that was a stupid question... but it was worth a shot i guess
or not
well.... it is worth of it.... but again i colud put u like this
fuzz97-he asked me to be on my friends list :) and also he likes my drawing of a robot.
Wazzzz up!!?? I made a graffiti, but it kinda sukz kuz i used a thick marker.....
no problem
Nice pic! :)
thank you want one???
Sure! Sounds cool
here it goes
That pic looks awesome :)
thank you.... this wuz easy 2 make......(no offence)
chea its an old pic. lololololol ur a stalker