are you emo
Age 31, Male
Croatia/Herzegovi na SB
Joined on 3/1/08
are you emo
wtf i would rather kill i am a metal kind(i dunno how it is called on english)
omg! emoxkitten so got that "emo stands for emotinal" thing from me! i said on another dudes page that my friend said that and now she is takin credit for it..i think
wtf if emo stands 4 emotional......i knew that but it sux cuz emotional means happy,scared u know EMOTIONS..... and all emos i know r just sad and thy sholud call saddies and not emos ,emos are happy
thank you for the compliment
well that guy in the second video looks like a freak
he is actually a freak so he does not look like freak he IS freak
You mild mannered Beast!
What do you think your doing!?
what am i doing??
can u do me a custom grafiti
custom?????.... i am sorry but i don't understand that word
i hate you and you croatia republika bosna i hercvegovina sa uvjek i ti to nemoses nista da uradis bosnijake su najbolje
oh comeon....... speak civilized language...... that is not a language at all
I don't understand these people who all through around the same insults and expect like it will prove anything.
it always proves 1 thing...... that thy are morons
HE slusai bosanske-hrrvati i bosanske-srbe moraju da budu sve bosanci nemoj se ponasati kao dijaspor is nase zemjle hercegovina je u bosni sato si ti bosanac kao i ja ali sto ne volis svoju zemljo mi se trebamo svi volite nema republike srpske nema hercegovina im a samo r bih
zar ti naziv Bosna I Hercegovina ista znace kretenu..... imas li ti zemljopis u skoli......
jesi li ikad cuo da su Trinidad i Tobago samo tobago iliVelika Britanija samo Engleska pa samo da ti kazem NISU kao sto nisu ni Bosna I Hercegovina samo Bosna kretenu jedan....... Ja nevolim Srbe koji Nevole mene kao sto nevolim bosnjake koji mrze mene jer znam srba i bosnjaka koliko i hrvata.......a to sto ti namjeravas dokazati da je sve to bosna u krivu si....... mislim da ti cak nisi bio u BiH......kao sto vidim Bosanac si al zivis u njemackoj... i di je tu razlog da ti ovde govoris o BiH a zapravo i ne znas sta je BiH.....nevjerujem ni da znas ista o BiH jer si pre glup da nesto tako shvatis(sorry for the people who don't speak croatian but i don't think that this moron over here can understand every word)
lol Hous
dr.Gregory House does not want to hear your bullshit
wtf..... u posted 3 comments and only one of them had sense one more and i will ban you
oooh i like the graffiti thankss
you're pretty much amazing
and pretty much really cute ;)
thank you
thank you
thank you
Hey man, whatup, whatup yo? How's thing in your cyber-life :P
LOL... anyway I want you to check my new post.
that cyber-life really offended me........ and no i am not joking but anyway i will chek your page
ooo nice pic ;3 meow
ummm yea totally fake. mayon hit on me then ngfan then i got mad @ him cuz he went out wif her 4 like 6 minutes! hated that fake bitch wif fake ass pics.
ur kool
oh ok.......weird that thy were dating across NG
YAYZ!! THAT GRAFFITI PWNZ!! Also sorry bout the fat dudes beating you up...
np ill chek
Ja sam iz HR isto.
wee jos su RWA,Luka i Peglay hrvati...... al ja sam zapravo iz BiH al sam hrvat
Sta imaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.Hvala Bogu da sam na%u0161ao jo%u0161 nekoga ko govori hrvatski.Yjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
sta ti je tesko engleski xD????
im pretty sure i told that idc
that you don't knw what ...... pls speak reasonable
oh well hai there =]
oh well hai here=)
ok i added u on my msn
weee yippey etc...etc...